Thursday, April 23, 2015

Update on how it's going!!!

            I have been working on my interview. I plan on asking questions about the daily life of a disabled person.
            I want to ask the following questions: " How have other people treated you?", " How do you want to be treated?", " Do you like when people offer help, or special treatment", " If you could would you go back in time and stop the cancer before it caused your disability?".
            I hope that this interview will show me an inside look in a disabled persons mind. I cannot wait to post the answers I recieve!
These past few weeks I have been waking around in public with a knee brace, and one day I used crutches in help me and I learned that some people cared and others could care less.
    I also did research and I learned that there is more than disabilites than a wheelchair and crutches. You have to understand what all they go thur surguries, treatments, and some eveh go thru therapy.

Monday, April 13, 2015

How has the disabled life been for me????

      So far it has proven to be a task. Being disabled changes the way you do everything. I went to the mall and I couldn't tell you how many people staired at me just because I had a big knee brace on.
      I plan on doing at least one interview for this project. My cousins best friend happens to be that preson. He has had cancer three time and has lost his leg due to it coming back during highschool. I plan on asking him questions like how has it been having cancer three time since you were two? ,and how do you feel when people come up to you or ask to help you?
     I hope to learn what it is like to live disabled from a actual disabled person. I can't wait to see what I learn form this experience!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Could I live a disabled lifestyle???

    Could I learn to live a disabled lifestyle? That is what I will be figuring out these next couple of weeks. I have always wondered what it would feel like to totally have to change my lifestyle and the way I do everything.
    The way I will be doing this is by actually putting myself up to the task. I will wrap my knee and put in a non moveable brace. To get around I will be using crutches. Another purpose for this social experiment is to see how other people will react to seeing a disabled person.
    I hope to learn that what I'm doing is only a tiny disability and that there are many more in the world. This social experiment will show me that it isn't easy to be disabled, but it's only a bump in the road.